
Текст "DEVINE FT ZAN" безграмотен на каркасной иллюстрации обложки альбома Neo Soul с использованием векторной низкополигональной линейной графики. В центре внимания - эксцентричная, невероятно детализированная африканская скульптура / изваяние с текстурой кожи, поверхностный слой которой содержит пигменты, а под слоем находятся клетки с очень маленькими (наноразмерными) кристаллами гуанина, искрящимися при отражении света

Text "DEVINE FT ZAN" Illiterate a Neo Soul Album Cover wireframe illustration using vector low-poly line art, The focus is an excentric unbelievably detailed African sculpture/statue with a skin texture that has a superficial layer that contains pigments, and under the layer are cells with very small (nanoscale) guanine crystals sparkling with light bouncing & reflecting off them, Outlined using single, carefully spaced contour lines, while the sky is crafted from a grid of orderly, small dots, Contrasting this monochrome setting, include a semi-realistic, glowing circle representing the sun, rendered in a vibrant Charcoal color, Aim for a polished finished piece that works well as an Neo Soul and Fusion Jazz Album cover artwork, conceptual art piece, or painting, Ultra High-quality intense roughness & deeply textured & thick textures, marble & porcelain abstract printing charcoal and Light brown brush strokes for excentric detailing, deep rich tones, rich color, realistic light reflections bouncing off the main object, casting dark shadows, with fine detail like one of da Vinci or Micheal Angelo or Shakespeare Reimagined following the RULE OF THIRDS, GOLDEN RATIO, GOLDEN SPIRAL, FRAME THE SUBJECT, LEADING LINES & STRAIGHT HORIZON, CENTER POSITION, PERSPECTIVE, 16k Ultra High resolution, ultra-realistic, Ultra-high octane render, Ultra-highly detailed dept of view, Award-winning compilation, Ultra-High resolution, cinematic, Cinematic haze, nostalgic atmosphere to blur its motion and make it smooth and silky , ukiyo-e, illustration

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