RU Картина маслом, Иллюстрация, Тема: Древняя мифология - Тип персонажа: Богиня - Субкультура: Древнегреческий пантеон - Фракция: Защитник людей - Вселенная: Олимп - Инструмент: Надежное оружие - Плюсы: Бесстрашный и отважный - Минусы: Импульсивный и своевольный, Полная фигура, Настенные художественные плакаты
Oil painting, Illustration, Theme: Ancient Mythology - Character Type: Goddess - Subculture: Ancient Greek Pantheon - Faction: Protector of the People - Universe: Olympus - Tool: Trusted Weapon - Pros: Fearless and Brave- Cons: Impulsive and Headstrong, Full body full figure, Wall Art Posters & Prints, 2D, 8k, Dynamic battle scene in progress with intense emotion and energy, Highly detailed with subtle but important distinctions in color and light to create depth of image and scene, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, Trending on Artstation , Athena by Ingres rendition in oil painting style elaborate tapestries and rich colors, Gritty details throughout to bring life to the character, Magic Light Effects used throughout for a stunning piece , Deep shadows that ebb and flow as you look through the painting reflecting an ancient timelessness, cinematic