RU Действие происходит темной, дождливой и туманной ночью, на узкой, обветшалой улочке в вымышленном городке под названием "Хейвенвилл". Тусклые уличные фонари с трудом пробиваются сквозь темноту, создавая мрачную и гнетущую атмосферу. Улица полна мусора, граффити и заброшенных зданий. Посреди улицы стоит криминальный авторитет, высокий, одетый в темный костюм, в надвинутой на глаза шляпе, частично закрывающей лицо. Он стоит спиной к камере и к ХЕКЛЕРУ
The scene takes place on a dark, rainy and foggy night, on a narrow, run-down street in a fictional town called "Havenville", The dim street lights struggle to penetrate the darkness, creating a dark and oppressive atmosphere, The street is full of trash, graffiti and abandoned buildings, In the center of the street stands the crime boss, tall and dressed in a dark suit, with a hat pulled down partially covering his face, He has his back to the camera angle and with HECKLER & KOCH USP suppressed pointing at the floor, The tension in the air is palpable as several police cars are parked on both sides of the street, blocking any escape attempts, The police, with their automatic weapons pointed, are strategically positioned behind the vehicles, creating a barrier of steel and determination, 4k, realistic, cinematic, 3d render