Неоновая световая вывеска с надписью

Неоновая световая вывеска с надписью "CAPA

A neon light sign with the word "CAPA & CELL" and a smartphone in white, with blue and black trim, would be a visually striking and attractive piece, Here's a detailed description of what it might look like: Main Text: The word "CAPA & CELL" would stand out in the center of the sign and would be the main feature, It would be written in a sleek, modern typeface that would look professional and sophisticated, Smartphone: Just below or next to the main text would be a Smartphone, This Smartphone would be an iconic representation of a professional quality mobile phone, It would be designed in white so that it would contrast with the background of the sign and be easily recognizable, Background Color: The background of the sign would be a dark color or black to make the text and microphone stand out even more, Neon Lighting: Both the word "CAPA & CELL" and smartphone would be illuminated with white neon lights, This lighting would give a bright, modern look to the sign, making it visible even in the dark, Blue and Black Embellishments: To further highlight the design and add a splash of color, there would be blue and black embellishments around the word "CAPA & CELL" and the microphone, These embellishments could be curved lines, stylized geometric shapes, or any other artistic element that would frame and enhance the central design, Dimensions: The dimensions of the neon sign would depend on its intended location, It could be a large, eye-catching, Finish: The sign would be protected with a tough coating to ensure durability and resistance to dust and moisture, This neon light sign would be a custom work of art reflecting professionalism, Its sleek, eye-catching design would attract the attention of those who see it

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Неоновая световая вывеска с надписью
Неоновая световая вывеска с надписью
Неоновая световая вывеска с надписью

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